partnered with TechSee to deploy a visual remote assistance

AI-based chatbots contend with the massive number of support requests that often overwhelm customer service centers by empowering customers to resolve minor issues on their own. Computer vision technologies – such as object recognition, facial recognition, image to text, and image similarities – can add significant value to a company’s self-service platform, allowing customers to visually interact with bots that can guide them to self-resolution.

Computer vision has become a key customer service technology trend due to its many capabilities. For instance, it can add essential data to a customer’s profile based on visual data, help predict issues before they even happen, and effectively route the customer’s case to the relevant agent if self-service is unsuccessful.

It is essential for company leadership to be fully on board with driving adoption of new technology within the organization. Management dashboards that include data on employee usage and customer acceptance, clearly linked with the business’ KPIs, will give leadership the visibility they need to understand how visual assistance drives core business priorities. The management team must also make it clear to staff that the technology is important for the business and reward engagement at all employee levels.

Maintaining complete transparency in reporting is key to making sure your employees are onboard and see the benefits of adoption. Have a performance dashboard that tracks results in real time, issue periodic updates to users on adoption levels and the impact the new Visual Assistance solution has had on KPIs. Use the system to identify power users of the new technology and make them champions, rewarding them when appropriate.

Visual assistance works. The trick is to get your people to use it. Whether the strategy is to harness best practices, tight integrations, effortless experiences, management buy-in, or top-tier reporting, the goal is to drive the highest adoption levels possible across the widest range of use cases. After all, the more the technology is used, the higher your ROI.

More info: process technician