Verification of virtual network functions

With Intelligent Test Automation, the software testing strategy involves a model-based testing approach. In model-based testing, a TDD/BDD approach is followed and the test cases are generated and maintained automatically.

Having a model-based testing approach allows organizations to implement an end-to-end testing practice across all enterprise systems. This results in higher test coverage, generation of efficient test cases, and lower maintenance costs.

Sustainability benefits delivered by 5G
While we have emphasized on the importance of QoE for 5G deployments, below are some of the sustainability benefits delivered by 5G across enterprises.

Eliminating Emissions: Efficiencies in 5G network equipment can help reduce carbon emissions from mobile networks by 50% over the next 10 years.

Reducing Pollution: 5G drone using AI/ML performs targeted weed eradication and can reduce pesticide and herbicide usage by 50% thus reducing pollution. Also, 5G enabled Intelligent Transportation System can lead to 15% less traffic resulting in less pollution emitted by vehicles.

Increasing Energy Efficiency: 5G enabled mIoT (mobile Internet of Things) devices are developed to have a longer battery and device lifetime compared to previous technologies enabling increase in energy efficiency.

The smart algorithms driven by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies integrate the analytical feature within the software testing lifecycle. This means that the outcomes can automatically be evaluated within an Intelligent Test Automation scenario, which further reduces involvement of manual resources.

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