promote VoIP products

My Country Mobile General Trading, one of the world's biggest Wholesale voice over Internet Protocol Termination Provider situated in Dubai, is wagering enthusiastic about India to offer imaginative and more up to date advances in the telecom area.

The broadcast communications administration propelled by the supplier incorporates Virtual telephone numbers (DIDs), Bulk SMS, SMS API, International Top-up(B2C) and B2B) VOIP Calling APP - Callmama (B2C, etc. It will be forcefully advancing these items throughout the following scarcely any years to expand piece of the pie.

My Country Mobile offers discount Voice Termination to more than 150 unique nations with a system of more than 1,000 distinct administrators internationally. It additionally gives virtual telephone numbers to more than 100 nations. My Country Mobile approaches more than 5 lakh retail outlets and approaches over a million clients on the web.


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